Amnesia the dark descent refinery
Amnesia the dark descent refinery

amnesia the dark descent refinery

Staying in the light is the preferred course for those who prefer to maintain mental focus. It contributes to an feeling of isolation and helplessness that adds to the sense of terror. Sanity degrades while in the dark, causing the scene to shift like the webs of light across sands under shallow water as sounds intensify, controls are muddied, and eventually insects crawl across your field of vision. Visual cues are also crucial to reinforcing the sense of terror, as Daniel's vision is affected by ghastly sights and revelations of gruesome acts to which his previous life was connected. On the soundtrack, scratches, clicking and footsteps from unseen spaces imply an expanse of unknown rippling just beyond the limits of your perception. The sensation is created by a combination of implied and observable events.

amnesia the dark descent refinery

Yet what really adds a quality of unsettling authenticity to the tale is the unshakeable feeling of pursuit and inevitability of some kind of horrific climax.

amnesia the dark descent refinery

By itself the story is strong enough, and told effectively assuming you take the time to explore and pick up a majority of the notes. What follows is a tale told mostly in flashback as you' re beset by ghostly visions and uncover journal entries on dimly lit desks that tell of scientific expeditions that lead to the discovery of ancient terrors.

Amnesia the dark descent refinery